domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2011


Here are some interesting links you can check:

The official Angry Birds website, with screenshots and videos of the game.

From ABC News, a video clip (January, 2011) about the 14-year-old boy who designed the game Bubble Ball, a huge hit in the Apple's free apps chart. Intermediate level.

Website of the first US award ceremony for smartphone apps, "The Appys" (February, 2011), with screenshots and short descriptions of each winning app, listed by category. Challenging for Intermediate level.

viernes, 27 de mayo de 2011

Wall Wisher

Hi Guys n Gals,

I have created a Wallwisher wall. It is a simple webpage where we all can post our messages easily.

So simply go to and post your message there.

Happy Posting!


lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011

The nuclear debate

Today we read and discussed some of the pros and cons of nuclear power, following the radiation leak at the Fukushima nucleear power plant in Japan.

Take a look at these interesting websites:

An interactive diagram with text explaining how nuclear power plants work, from MSNBC Science.

An explanation of some of the pros and cons of nuclear power, with accompanying dramatic pictures in a slideshow format.

An NPR article (March 2011) on the possible shift opinion on the nuclear debate in the USA following the Fukushima crisis in Japan.

domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

Twin Day

Hi everybody,
As this would be our last week before Easter Holidays, I was wondering if we could have another Twin Day, What do you think? We can also have some snacks, drinks and what about a Secret Friend? I'm working on activities we could do during the class on Wednesday with 2ºA and 2ºB -because you are on a trip out on Thursday. So, write your suggestions and comments so that we can set a plan.
We deserve a treat!
See you on Monday

martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Fairy Tales

Untitled by María Lara 1ºESO B

Once upon a time, there was a princess who couldn't find her perfect prince. She kissed lots of princes but they all transformed into frogs. One day the princess went out to the forest to pick fruits for breakfast. Suddenly she heard a strange noise and she looked around, but she didn't see anything. The princess, nervous, forgot about the noise and continued picking fruit. Suddenly, a frog appeared in front of her. "Hi!", said the frog. The princess said hello to the frog. "I think you are looking for a prince that can make you feel happy", said the frog, "and if you kiss me, I will transform into the best prince you have seen in your life". The princess didn't know what to do, but finally she kissed the frog and it transformed into a handsome and nice prince.
A few months later they got married. After the wedding, when a carriage with beautiful horses was riding home husband and wife, the prince transformed again into a frog.

The End

Fairy Tales

The Ogre Story by Alberto Rodriguez 1ºESO B

Once upon a time there was a Prince in a castle. The Prince was riding a horse when someone said: "Come here!" The Prince went there but he saw that the person was a witch. So he ran to find his horse to fight the witch but she cast a spell on the Prince. He was transformed into a very bad ogre. Then the witch disappeared.
The ogre started to cry but he thought that if he could find a Princess to kiss him, he would be a prince again. He didn't find any princess but he found a frog. The frog helped him finda dragon. The dragon helped him find a wizard and he found a genie who transformed the ogre in a prince. The prince, who was very happy, started a new life with a new form.
The End

viernes, 1 de abril de 2011

The Princess' Magic Hair

The Princess' Magic Hair by Alicia Mora 1ºESO B

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess in a castle. She didn't go out because a horrible witch had captured her when she was born. She lived alone with only an ugly frog as a pet. She talked with it as if it was a real person.
The fair hair of the princess was magic and the witch liked it to do charms. Her mother, the Queen, and her father, the King, looked for the princess for a long time, but they didn't find anything. One day a handsome prince found the princess. He rescued her and he took the princess with her parents in a beautiful carriage. When her parents saw the princess, they ran to embrace their daughter. They lived in peace the rest of their lives.

The End